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French Creek 101 In-Person

Registration recommended, but not required.


Did you know that the French Creek watershed is nationally renowned for its exceptional biological diversity and unique history?  French Creek has more types of fish and mollusks than any other stream in Pennsylvania along with some other interesting creatures like the Hellbender Salamander.  The watershed also boasts a rich history ranging from its unique glacial past to the journey of a young George Washington on its waters in 1753, to the building of the French Creek Feeder Canal. No wonder French Creek has been named “River of the Year” twice! 

French Creek originates in Chautauqua County in western New York and flows southwest to Erie County, Pennsylvania.  The main branch then follows a southerly route through Crawford County, the northeast corner of Mercer County, and into Venango County where it joins the Allegheny River at Franklin, PA

Due to its outstanding water quality, rich biodiversity, and notable history, French Creek is considered one of the most important streams of its size in the northeastern United States.

Come and find out more about this “Community Treasure” on December 2nd when Judy Acker, Education and Outreach Specialist from the French Creek Valley Conservancy will present her program on the French Creek Watershed.    

Saturday, December 2, 2023
11:00am - 12:00pm
Time Zone:
Eastern Time - US & Canada (change)
EDB Community Room
Branch :
Edinboro Branch Library
Registration has closed.
No Geolocation available for event.

Event Organizer

Edinboro Branch Library


Edinboro Branch Library
413 W Plum St.
Edinboro, PA 16412

Contact phone: 814-451-7081

Contact email: edb@eriecountypa.gov

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